2021 | WEEK9 | DAY 2
3 rounds of
- 16 cossacks
- 10 Lateral box-steps
- 30" wall-sit
- 12 Barbell strict press
- 12 Ab-wheel
- 30" Hollow-hold
Jerk Dip + Jerk Balance + Tall Jerk + Jerk: (1+1+1+1) x 5 sets.
*in between sets perform a 30 second handstand hold .
@ Up to 50kg
Hang Clean + Front Squat + Clean: (1+2+1) x 2, (1+1+1) x 3
@ 2x70kg + 80/85/90kg
Clean Deadlift to Mid Knee + Clean Pull: (2+3) x 4 sets
@ 80/100/100/100kg
3 sets:
- Sit ups x 25
- Push ups x 15
- DB Windmill x 5/ side @ 22,5kg