2021 | WEEK22 | DAY 1
Movement prep
Exercise | Sets | Reps | % | Weight |
Squat | 3 | 3 | 85% | 132.5 |
Paused Front Squat | 3+ | 4 | 75% | 102.5 |
Bench | 3 | 6 | 75% | 87.5 |
Bench | 2 | 10 | 65% | 75 |
Reverse Grip Bench Press | 3+ | 6 | 65% | 75 |
Pullups | 3 | 8 | BW+ | +5/10kg |
@ Each exercise went ok. But now i had to put on the belt on the squats. It was interesting to see that the reverse-grip bench is now completed with the prescribed weight.
3 rounds of
- Banded triceps pull-downs 12 reps @ RIR 2-3
- One arm DB curls ~11reps @RIR 2-3