2021 | WEEK19 | DAY 1
Monday (Recovery)
Mobility flow
- 3 Front support to elevated downward dog stretch
- 10-second Pike handstand hold
- 5 – 10 Pike handstand shoulder shrugs
- 2 Pike handstand with single-leg extensions (5-second holds)
- 10 Pike handstand shoulder taps
3 sets /30-60" rest btw/:
- 12 ball situp
- 12 alt leg-arm v-up in hollow pose
- 15-20" hollow hold
- 20 toe touch
15' Handstand-walk practice: turning & obstacles
@ this went really great after the proper warmup and core exercises
For 16'
- 20" Ring-row - 20" rest
- 10" or 4m Handstand walk - 10" rest
- 20" burpee - 20" rest
- 10" or 4m Handstand walk - 10" rest