2021 | WEEK14 | DAY 1
3 rounds of
- 50 Single-unders
- 15 Air-squats
- 10 Cossacks
- 15 Banded pull-apart
- 30" Wall-sit into 12 lunge steps
- 15 Sit-up into 10 Arch-rock
Snatch Drop + Sotts Press (3+3) x 3. Light and Snappy with Precise movement!!
@ 20/20/30kg
Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance + OHS: (1+1+2) x 2, (1+1+1) x 3 sets.
@ 50/60/60/70/72,5/75kg
Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch High Pull + Snatch (1+1+1+1) x 3 sets.
@ 60/65/70kg
Snatch High Pull + Snatch: (1+1) x 3 sets.
@ 72,5/75/77,5kg
Back Squat: 1.1.1. x 6 sets. Each set is 3 singles with 20 seconds rest in between reps.
*Perform three HIGH box jumps in between sets.
@ 120/122,5/125/127,5/130/132,5/132,5kg
3 sets:
- 5-10 pause ring push ups (Hold for three seconds in the bottom and three seconds at the top of each rep).
- Weighted Plank x 60 seconds (Plank on top of two boxes with a weight hanging from waist)
- Single Arm Alternating DB Press x 20 reps (hold two dumbbells in front rack position. Alternate pressing dumbbells overhead at a steady tempo).