2021 | WEEK11 | DAY 1
3 rounds of
- 50 Single-unders
- 7 Walk-out on hands and push-up
- 10 Lateral box-step
- 20 Cossacks
- 15-15" One-handed Ring push-up hold
Snatch Push Press: work up to a heavy triple
@ Up to 80kg
5 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift (You will pause 1 inch off the ground, below the knee, above the knee, mid thigh and “power position”): 3×2.
@ 80/85/90kg
Use straps if you need to and don’t take the weight too heavy if you can’t maintain perfect positions! Pause for 2 seconds at each spot.
EMOM for 10 min (5 “working” sets):
Odd Minutes: 3 Snatches (reset after each on. no touch and go)
Even Minutes: 3 Tall Box Jumps
@ 70 + 4x72,5kg
Back Squat: x 5 sets. Each set is 4 singles with 20 seconds rest in between reps. Go heavier than last week.
@ 120/125/130/132,5/132,5kg
3 sets:
- Ring Dips: max reps in 60 seconds. (35/30/34 reps)
- Plank on Ball: 60 total seconds. move arms in clockwise and counter clockwise circles while in plank.