2020 | WEEK38 | DAY 4
Mobility flow and activation
Pause Snatch Balance: 3,3,,2,2,,1,1,Try and work up to (or exceed) your 1 RM snatch. If this is not possible, we have identified a weakness!!
@ Up to 87,5kg
Snatch High Pull+ Snatch: (1+1) x 2 , (1+1) x 3. Work up to a heavy set!
@ Up to 80kg (75kg fail)
5/3/1 front squat progression - cycle 6
5 reps @ 110kg / 3 reps @ 122,5kg / 1 rep @ 137,5kg (NPR)
3 Sets:
- Hollow Holds or Tuck Holds x 45 sec.. straight into 30 jack knives or v- ups.
- Supine Med Ball Leg Curls x 12
- 8 Barbell good-morning
- 30 Mountain climber
- 5 Strict pull-up