2020 | WEEK37 | DAY 5
Mobility flow + activation
Seated Z Press: 5x3. Work up to a heavy set of 3.
@ Up to 45kg
Pause Split Jerk: 5x3. Stay lighter and pause for 3 seconds in the split. Work technique and balance.
@ 60kg
Power clean: 3,3,2,2,2,1,1: Work up to a heavy single if it feels good and looks fast!
@ 100kg
Deadlifts on 2” riser: 5x3 @ 100% of best clean
@ 120kg
50 DB Snatch, alternating 50 Double unders 50 DB split clean and jerk, alternating 50 Double unders 50 DB overhead squat (25/side) 50 Double unders
@ 22,5kg DB
Three Sets of:
- Weighted sit ups x 20
- Slow Weighted Russian Twists x 30 reps
- DB Flies x 10