2020 | WEEK36 | DAY 4
Warmup mobility flow + shoulder/back activation for snatch
Snatch Balance: 3,3,2,2,2,1. Work up in weight each set. Try to hit more than your snatch!
@ Up to 85kg
Snatch Pull+ Snatch: (2+1) x 2. (1+1) x 3. Work up to 80-85% of best snatch.
@ Up to 77,5kg
Front squat 5/3/1 progression - cycle 6
5 reps @ 95kg / 5 reps @ 107,5kg / 5 reps @ 122,5kg
3 sets of
- 30" hollow hold + 20 V-up
- 10 Barbell hip extension + 10 barbell row
- 10 Forward lunge @ 2x30kg