2020 | WEEK36 | DAY 1
Mobility flow + shoulder activation
Snatch Balance +OHS (2+1) x 3. (1+1)x 3. Try to work up to a weight that is within 5-10 #’s of your best snatch.
Snatch Lift off to below the knee+ Snatch Lift off to Mid Thigh + Snatch: (1+1+1) x 2x 2 sets, (1+1+1)x1x 3 sets. Work up to 75-80% of your best snatch and hit for all three sets.
@ OHS up to 82,5kg / Snatch up to 70kg and the 3 sets with it
Back squat 5/3/1 progression - cycle 6
5 reps @ 107kg / 5 reps @ 120kg / 5 reps @ 140kg (only 4 successful) + cooldown set
3 sets:
Single Leg Deadlift x 10 each leg @ 2x30kg DBs
Landmine Rows x 10 each arm @ +20kg plate
Forearm side plank holds x 60 seconds per side.